When you’re in busy traffic or coming down a winding mountain road, you don’t have time to worry about your brake health. You need them to work….every time.
expedited transportation services

Brake Services Overview:

When your livelihood depends on driving and delivering goods safely and on time, you don’t have the luxury to ignore proper Brake Services. Regularly scheduled Brake maintenance is vital for the health of your Diesel fleet and your reputation for safety. 

Do you and your drivers know the signs of Brake wear and need for maintenance? Do you have a plan in place to keep your Trucks serviced and running safely?

Let our team at United Diesel create the perfect plan to keep your trucks moving and just as importantly, stopping across the country. We can take care of your fleet or your vehicle, creating a plan and schedule to keep your brakes changed, your brake fluid full, and your brake system working properly, so you can count on getting to your destination safely each and every time.

Brake Facts:

Brakes are made to be used.

Their very existence is meant to keep you safe by wearing them down. Most brake pads are rated to last about 50,000 miles on average. Of course, this can vary depending on a number of factors, including weather, route, and driver choices among other things. But we recommend holding true to the 50,000 mile rule in most cases and will create a plan to take care of your needs based around that fact.

Brake health

Brake health is affected greatly by the amount of pressure put on the system each time you drive. Coming to a hard stop will wear down your brakes faster than cruising or a slow and steady braking. Driving in city conditions versus highway can lead to more wear and tear. Mountainous routes can be particularly wearing on your brakes. We will take all this into account when deciding on the best plan for your needs.

Worn down brakes

When you hear a screeching sound or feel grinding or vibrating when applying the brakes, you should pay attention. Those are prominent warning signs of worn down brakes. You may also notice that the brake pedal is no longer as responsive or sensitive and requires more pressure to engage your braking system. Don’t forget to pay attention to any warning lights, as many trucks have a finely tuned monitoring system that will alert you to any braking issues.

Brake Maintenance:

We all know how important it is to keep your brakes serviced and your system running smoothly. Here at United Diesel we can have your brakes repaired in as little as 20 minutes and have you back on the road. 

Other times, your truck may need a little more maintenance and care, but we will ensure your brake pads are fresh, brake fluid is clean and full, and your system is ready to keep you safe at all times. In addition, regular maintenance plans and inspections will help determine other issues around your vehicle, which can help solve issues before they become emergencies. 

Safety is job number one! Your brakes are the first line of defense and often the only thing between a safe delivery and disaster. Let us take their maintenance out of your hair and let you focus on the bottom line.

Schedule an Appointment

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact us today and let our experts keep you on the road and running!
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Contact United Diesel

Our expert team offers everything from preventative maintenance to engine overhaul. Let our heavy truck specialists keep you safe each and every run!

514 Mattress Factory Rd
Mebane, NC 27302

(919) 563-8840